The Unorthodox Author Interview with Nadia King

Writers don't always get to go on job interviews. We toil away at a story or a novel for years and then we send it off in the hopes that someone will say ‘yes, we'll publish this.’ But sometimes we fantasize about putting on a suit or a DVF dress so that we can get grilled by HR and negotiate our salary, so we thought we'd give our writers a chance to attempt to enter the real world.

In this video we’re bringing you answers from Nadia King the author of Disappointment a short story about a young teen stuck in a life she so desperately wants to escape. Reviewers are calling it “gritty, raw and real” a story that's not only “thought provoking and reflective, but vulnerable and sympathetic”.

To get your own copy of "Disappointment" click buy now below.

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